Unusual lumps or bumps that develop in the skin can be unnerving. Most, however, are benign growths such as cysts. Sebaceous cysts are among the most common skin growths, often developing on the face, neck, scalp, or torso. They’re usually painless but may become tender if infected.
Sebaceous Cyst Causes
Sebaceous cysts form in the outlet of a sebaceous gland, which usually allows oily sebum produced by that gland to surface onto the skin. While the body typically sheds dead skin cells, they can become trapped beneath the surface by an injury like a scratch, a surgical wound, or a skin condition like acne or chronic sun damage. Dead skin cells and other components, like keratin, multiply and eventually form a sac called a cyst.
Not all cysts have the same causes. In our earlier blog post, you can learn more about the different types of skin cysts.

How To Prevent a Sebaceous Cyst
Although there is no sure-fire way to prevent sebaceous cysts from developing, following these tips can help minimize the chances of them forming:
Wash your face every day with a gentle cleanser. Consistent face cleansing gets rid of the excess oil and skin that can clog your pores and cause cysts.
Wash behind the ears to remove dirt and oil. This is a common area where cysts form, often because hidden oil and dirt accumulate.
Use acne medication. The same medication that prevents acne also prevents the growth of sebaceous cysts. Medication can prevent cysts from occurring in other places besides your face, like your back or torso.
Use non-comedogenic makeup. Thick makeup can clog your pores and stop oils from escaping, which can trigger a sebaceous cyst because the oil builds up under your skin.
Add more omega-3 fatty acids to your diet. This fatty acid helps control your body’s oil production and skin inflammation.
Ensure a cyst is removed completely. Surgical excision performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon is the best way to minimize the chances of recurring cysts.
If you’re considering cyst removal surgery and want to learn more about your treatment options from one of our plastic surgeons, request a consultation using the online form. Or call us at (416) 663-9649 to schedule an appointment. You can also check our pricing page for an estimate of sebaceous cyst removal cost.
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